Hi folks! Change in plans; the Radio Society of Tucson is no longer holding the hamfest at the end of the month at the Target off of Old Spanish Trail, and the event has instead been rescheduled for April 10 at Elliott Electronic Supply:
What: K7RST Hamfest
When: April 10, 7:00AM to 11:00AM
Where: Elliott Electronic Supply
1301 S. Tyndall Ave.
Tucson, AZ
Google Map
You can grab the flyer for the event here: Tucson Spring Hamfest
For those of you interested in getting an amateur radio license or unfamiliar with hamfests, this will be a great way to meet other hams in our local community and browse around all kind of interesting gear and score a great deal on a new toy.The event’s location is in close proximity to Tucson 550 repeater, so be sure to use that machine for local talk-in if necessary; depending on traffic we may put this machine in standalone mode for the morning.
Go to k7rst.org for more details.
Hope to see you there!