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Respecting Repeater Etiquette

When you’re using the Southwest Community Radio System (SWCRS) repeater network, it’s important to follow a few simple courtesies to keep things running smoothly for everyone. First off, always start your transmission with your call sign so everyone knows who’s talking. This not only follows FCC rules but also helps keep everything clear and organized. Make sure to leave pauses between transmissions to give others a chance to jump in and avoid those awkward moments when multiple people talk at once.

Watch your language and tone when you’re on the air. Our repeater system is for everyone, including kids who are learning the ropes of radio communication. Absolutely no cursing or using profanities—these aren’t allowed and can make the environment uncomfortable, especially for younger users. Let’s keep the conversations positive and constructive, reflecting the supportive and collaborative spirit of our community. Also, give kids a bit of extra leeway when they’re on the air; it’s a great learning opportunity for them, and a little patience goes a long way in helping them grow their skills.

Lastly, be mindful of how long you’re talking. Long-winded conversations, or “ragchewing,” can tie up the repeater and prevent others from using it for quick or emergency communications. Keep your chats concise and to the point, and be ready to hand over the frequency if someone else needs it. By following these simple guidelines, we can all enjoy a respectful and efficient repeater system that works well for everyone in the SWCRS community.

Remember; the SWCRS has rules that everyone using the system agreed to follow when signed up – the full write-up on those can be found here: Terms and Conditions

1 thought on “Respecting Repeater Etiquette”

  1. … and remember – there’s nothing wrong with using simplex point to point communications. It can be fun to see how far your equipment can work without using a repeater.
    Make a local contact on the repeater and then switch over to one of the open GMRS frequencies.
    Doing so will relieve traffic on the repeater and help you to fine tune your equipment.

    Operator Steve off that Mt. Lemmon 650 repeater!

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