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National GMRS Net: June 7, 2020

The National GMRS Net saw a total of 44 round-table participants and a cumulative total of 121 check-ins this evening for all nets systemwide. Net control for the evening was David, WQVS960 with the Tucson GMRS Association.

The topic of the evening: What got you interested in two-way radio and why did you choose GMRS? Listen in to the recording for feedback; note that silences between transmissions have been removed so it is not a time-accurate recording, but is more efficient to listen to.

For more information on the net; please visit

The audio recording can be listened to here:


WRCU527DarrenAZBrother was a volunteer fireman, always had radios
WRDK713DavidAZFound old bubble pack radios in the closet, threw in some batteries, and there was a lot of traffic!
WRFA494Jorge LuisFL
WRFX952EricGAOriginally 11 meters, got ham radio license to talk to friends, GMRS came in handy for family
WRDK264JoeILIn high school had CB radio and did fox hunting. DIdn’t have a radio for years and came across GMRS as license with no test. Picked it up
WRFL449DougILAlways been interested in radios, started as a kid. Wanted ham license for a while, COVID got in the way! GMRS had no exams
WRFR912JustinILAlways interested in wireless comms; still dont understand how it works but still interested. Led to CB, fell away for a bit, and then recently felt a need to have a backup comms for family and friends and that’s where GMRS came in. Cleaner than CB, easier than ham radio.
WRAX542BuddyINStarted young back in elementary school, friend’s dad was a ham and military repair in military. Grew from there
WRCQ487JayINGot into about 1.5years for another form of comms other than cell phones, especially where phone don’t work. Didn’t think I’d be a repeater owner but here we are!
WREM430NickNJDad had two-way radios and 11m walkie talkies. Got some blister pack radios, didn’t use since they didn’t work well. Found a repeater, turned out to be Q’s repeater, realized network building was possible and here we are
WRAN487MikeNMFound by boredom! Setting up an RPi as a desktop, found CHiRP software package, found out what it was for, bought a radio, found GMRS frequencies, got GMRS license and went from there
WQCR739Joel “Jo-elle”NY
WQYM547RayNYGot a friend that’s into radios, love radios! Just a hobby to keep on with and thanks!
WRFY797SammyNYStarted a few years ago with GMRS, as always had to traveling – travel a lot being retired. Now have system in weatherford
WQWZ310BobOKGot into two-radios in high school, father had CB radio in broncos. Been a two-way radio nut ever since. GMRS met all the requirements for backup comms with own repeater
WREE678RobertTXIn fire department for about a decade – always been around radios. Hurricane took out power for three weeks, needed a comms solution for family. Tried CB; didn’t work well. Recently set up booster pack for kids, seemed like GMRS fits the bill
WRFT679KameronTXNeeded comms, second time in on net!
WRFX611RonnyTXSimilar story to Corey! Bit by two-way bug as a kid, got into CB (met wife on radio!), started looking at alternatives with less RFI, found FM comms on UHF & GMRS, and then turned into commercial radios
WQVA593CoreyWIBit by radio bug at young age. As young radio nerd, took my kid radios apart, turned into base station, turned up power, got into CB them commercial comms. Started with GMRS, also got ham radio ticket