Join the SWCRS gang for Amateur Radio Field Day, Saturday June 22nd. We have a group camp site reserved on Mt Graham near Safford Arizona. The site is Treasure Park North, approximately 9000 feet elevation in the Coronado National Forest 32.6637, -109.8711
So what is ham radio field day you ask? Field day is a chance for ham radio operators to take the gear outside and operate in the “field”, making as many contacts in the 24+ hour event as possible. It also serves as practice for emergency situations, testing equipment (antennas!), learning from others and a campout with friends! It’s like the super bowl of ham radio. The SWCRS gang will operate the ham radio club call of N7GMR and post our results after the event.
The site is spacious, but has a limit to visitors and vehicles alike. If you would like to participate or escape the heat and visit, please email Darren It should be a hoot!

OK, so which one is Mike WRUJ869/KL7KTP and which one is Lance WRKC705/W5LGA and where was this photo taken?
I know the answers!
Well, one is on the left and one is on the right. Or, is it one is on the right and one is on the left. Oh, and Arizona, that I’m 100% sure of, I think.
I don’t have an amateur license yet, can I crash the party? 😁
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